Update RIVeR 2.5 !
RIVeR v2.5 is out and compiled with MCR 9 - 2015b
What is new ?
In the main menu:
- Embedded PIVlab 2.36 (Release June 2020)
Calculates median velocity field instead of mean
- New sequencing style option added for automatic PIV processing
- Added pixel size definition if already known in 2D Control Points definition
- Added Control Points definition by loading a file (more than 4 points are allowed)
- Added pixel diagonal size on original image after Control Points definition
- With 3D rectification, the Control Points are re-projected on the original image (this lets you check quickly if your input is all good)
- Cross Section vectors are also projected on original image
- Fixed exporting the current velocity field
- Fixed minor bugs
- Updated RIVeR's logo 😎
- Added interpolation of velocity profile with Froude number
- Added a button that replace velocity at selected station by NaN
- Added a check box for NaNs interpolations in velocity profile
- Added proportion of discharge interpolated
- Fixed minor bugs
Also, the manual has been updated !
Thank you all for your feedback 🙏
Enjoy !